Wordless Wednesday: Bean Dip

On (almost) Wordless Wednesdays, I feature a rescue animal in north Texas.

Here’s a handsome little gray and white tabby that I met yesterday at the Denton Animal Shelter. His name is Bean Dip and he’s a total sweetheart. That’s the name he came to the shelter with, so the shelter kept it. Hopefully, his new family will come up with a great new name for this sweet boy.


But, maybe his former owners had some funny story or reason for naming him Bean Dip? We’ll probably never know the reasoning behind his silly name! But, I’ve known other animals who had some pretty creative and unusual names.

Most cats, even friendly cats, are pretty scared when they come to the shelter. Bean Dip, however, settled in immediately after arriving at the shelter yesterday morning. He was ready to play and ready for plenty of attention. I wasn’t at the shelter in the afternoon, but Bean Dip must have still been impressing everyone, because someone who visited in the afternoon decided to adopt him. The family that adopted this sweet boy is going to get one awesome cat!

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