Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you and your family and friends and furry friends are having a wonderful day!

I’m at my parent’s house for a couple of days and the rats got to come with me. Flower and Annie love Thanksgiving. Well, they love just about any holiday or event that involves food! One of the fun things about having pet rats is that there is only a very short list of things that rats can’t eat. So, the rats got a little bit of turkey, some sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, dressing, green bean casserole, and cranberries!

Can you guess what they liked best? Scroll down to the bottom of the post for the answer!

Thanksgiving dinner for my pet rats

Thanksgiving dinner for my pet rats

Thanksgiving dinner for my pet rats

Thanksgiving dinner for my pet rats

Thanksgiving dinner for my pet rats

Thanksgiving dinner for my pet rats

Flower sampled the sweet potatoes and turkey first, but ultimately I think both rats decided that they loved the mashed potatoes the best! Flower kept trying to pick up a huge bite of potatoes and then carry it off to the side so that she could eat it.

I’m thankful for my wonderful family, Ginger dog, and of course the rats! Also, I’m pretty thankful that Flower is doing so well this week, after the scare she gave us last week. She seems to be healing quite well after her surgery.

What are you thankful for this year?

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