I’ve been busy busy busy the past several weeks. This semester I officially started the Master’s program in behavior analysis at the University of North Texas. Classes are great so far, but I’m having to get back in the swing of going to classes and getting all of my work and reading done. I hope to post more in the coming weeks about some of what I’m learning.
Blaze my awesome little goldfish died at the end of August. He taught me a lot about training and about the intelligence of fish in the almost two years I had him.

There’s an empty spot in my room now and I decided I wanted to fill it this time with some furry that could come out of it’s cage for training sessions. My birthday’s tomorrow, so…my mother and brother bought me two baby rats! (My father is still getting use to the idea of having rats in the house.)
They are both little baby girls and are quite cute! I got them over the weekend and they are starting to settle in. Neither has a name yet, so I would LOVE some name suggestions!

The gray one is VERY outgoing and curious. If I open the top of the cage she immediately runs up and peaks her head out, wanting to be picked up. She also moves at about a mile a minute! The cream and white one is still pretty shy. She is friendly when I get her our but still isn’t completely sure about seeking interaction.
Of course, they will be clicker trained! : )
I’m planning on giving them a bit of time at the beginning to settle in and get use to me and their new environment. The rats are also going to have their own training blog, but I’m still working on getting it up and running.
Please leave a comment with name suggestions AND with any tricks you want to see the rats learn!