This summer, two friends and I are taking Terry Ryan’s virtual chicken training workshop. I’ll share some of my notes from the workshop over the next handful of weeks. You can learn more about Terry’s workshops on her Legacy Canine website. Why train a chicken? Early in my animal training journey, I learned about Terry […]
Tag Archives | reinforcement delivery
Assess your reinforcement delivery
This past weekend, I gave a mini PORTL workshop at All Fur Fun, a dog training facility in Addison, Texas. (What is PORTL?) We spent part of the workshop talking about reinforcement delivery. Reinforcement delivery is a really important, but often overlooked, piece of training. Small changes in how, when, and where you deliver a […]
Reminder: You’re always training
Several years ago, Ken Ramirez gave a talk at the Art and Science of Animal Training Conference which was called “Training when you’re not training.” You can read my notes from Ken’s talk in this post. One of Ken’s main points was that training is always going on. We have many informal interactions with our […]