Tag Archives | trial and error learning


B. F. Skinner and Errorless Learning

Happy Birthday, B. F. Skinner! Yesterday, March 20, was Dr. B. F. Skinner’s birthday. In honor of Dr. Skinner’s birthday, I shared the following quote on my Stale Cheerios Instagram account and Facebook page. Skinner writes: “The implication that learning occurs only when errors are made is false.” This quote comes from his 1968 book, […]

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Teaching animals the clicker way

I’ve just uploaded an article to my site that you need to read. It’s by behavior analyst Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz, who is a professor at the University of North Texas. The article is about B.F. Skinner, shaping, trial and error learning, errorless learning, and Isreal Goldiamond’s constructional approach. Clicker training originated out of research conducted […]

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