Tag Archives | trick training

Friday Fun: Awesome Equine Clicker Training

Friday Fun: Awesome Equine Clicker Training

As I wrote about recently, the World Equine Clicker Games are fast approaching! I hear SO many people say that horses can’t be clicker trained, or that clicker training is only good for tricks. Well, clicker training is great for tricks, but it’s great for lots of other types of horse training as well. Here […]

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Are you ready for the World Clicker Equine Games?

This fall, Hannah Dawson Equine is hosting the first ever World Clicker Equine Games. The clicker games are a free online video competition where clicker trainers from around the world can show off what they have achieved with their horses using positive training techniques. The judging and awards will take place at the 2012 Equine […]

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Ginger’s Latest Dog Trick: Leg Weaves!

Here’s a video of Ginger’s progress on her latest trick! I haven’t done a whole lot of clicker training with Ginger dog recently, due to a variety factors. However, Ginger loves clicker training and gets pretty excited when I pull out the clicker and treats. So, we started on a new trick this past weekend […]

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Ginger Takes a Bow

Using clicker training, Ginger dog has recently learned how to bow! I’ve included a short video clip at the bottom so you can watch her practicing her bow. With clicker training, many dog trainers advise to get the behavior occurring at a high rate BEFORE trying to add a cue to it. This actually makes […]

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