Because of the old paint I wrote about last week and the two mares I wrote about yesterday, you might be thinking by now that all the horses at the rescue are terrified of people. Happily, this is far from the case. Many of the horses are quite friendly and would follow you around all […]
Horse Training RSS feed for this section
Did you know that horses could be trained with clicker training? In this section you’ll find lots of information about how positive reinforcement training methods can be used to create horses that are smart, brave, athletic and enthusiastic about training. If you’re skeptical, I recommend starting with this blog post, which summarizes a research study that examined whether clicker training causes horses to bite.
Gracie and I become Friends (sort of)
I went out today for a third time today to the horse rescue I started volunteering at last week. Over the weekend we took the big paint gelding I wrote about last week to a local trainer who’s agreed to work with him. The trainer seemed like a great guy and has some past experience […]
How is Strangles Transmitted?
I just finished reading an interesting article from The Horse about the disease strangles. I had always been told (and had read in at least several places) that the strangles bacteria, Streptococcus equi, stays in the ground for years and years and years. This is why many people are quite afraid of Strangles, not only […]
Time For Horses
I spent the better part of the afternoon sitting on the ground picking bunches of grass and feeding them to a big blue-eyed brown and white paint horse. He’s still not at all sure he wants to be my friend, but he started being convinced by the end of the session. I had a friend […]
Phrenology for Horses?
When’s the last time you talked to someone about phrenology? Probably not very recently. Phrenology was a 19th century scientific philosophy for determining human personality traits based on reading bumps and fissures on the skull. Although this concept has been dismissed as pseudoscience, a small number of people believe that techniques such as these can […]