Enrichment toys for cats

trixie cat activity board - screenshotIn recently years, there’s been a huge increase in interactive toys and food puzzle toys for dogs. While there are some of these types of toys for cats, I think there is a lot larger selection of fun interactive dog toys. This is unfortunate, as many cats are quite active and playful and would enjoy interactive toys that help relieve boredom. Additionally, food puzzle toys are a great way to keep an animal active and make dinnertime last a lot longer.

I’ve been corresponding some with Birgit Laser, a dog and cat trainer from Germany. She’s written books and produced a DVD about clicker training for cats. Birgit also sent me Helena Dbaly’s website. Helena does clicker training with her cats and also designs cat enrichment toys and games, several of which have been produced by Trixie (a German manufacturer of pet products).

I have been watching the videos on Helena’s webiste and I really like the design of some of these enrichment toys! For example, the activity board in the video below includes five games that involve different types of paw movements. I sometimes see videos of cats playing with dog puzzle toys and, while these can work, they aren’t really designed with cats in mind. The activity board and Helena’s other toys, however, are obviously designed to take advantage of the types of paw movements a cat would do naturally. I think most kitties would find these toys a lot of fun!

Watch on YouTube: Cat activity fun board

The activity board in the video above is available on Amazon as the Trixie Cat Activity Center.

This next one might be one of my favorites. I love the simplicity of the design of this puzzle toy. It’s just a stack of tubes with holes in them. I think something like this could be easily built out of cardboard tubing or even PVC pipe. The spacing of the holes and the diameter of the tubes could be varied to make harder or easier puzzles.

Watch on YouTube: Cat enrichment pyramid toy

You can check out more videos of fun cat toys on this page of Helena’s website. The site is in German, however, I was able to get a lot of ideas from the pictures and videos on the site. As well, several of the videos feature handmade toys and I think many of these toys could be recreated with simple materials.

For those of you who have cats, do you think your cat would enjoy playing with some of these interactive puzzle toys?

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