Equine clicker training clinic photos (Arkansas, November 2014)

Last weekend, I spent a lovely three days in northwest Arkansas at a horse clicker training clinic with Alexandra Kurland. We had a great group of people and a great group of horses, including two grey Andalusians, a Friesian gelding, a big bay Percheron cross mare, and a cute little black pony. Unfortunately, my camera battery died on Sunday afternoon and I left midafternoon on Monday, and I wasn’t able to get any photos of Puffin the pony! But, as you scroll through this post, you’ll get to meet the other four horses that joined us for the clinic.

The clinic was full of lots of learning. I’m currently processing everything we discussed and will post some of my notes from the clinic on my blog this month. We had some great discussions at the clinic about how to practice something well, different types of shaping, neuroscience and emotions, and much, much more. In addition to the hands on horse training, we also improved our horse training and clicker training skills through rope handling practice, tai chi exercises, and rein mechanics demonstrations. In the evenings each night after dinner, we stayed up talking about training and playing PORTL, a tabletop game that can be used to practice teaching behaviors. (Check out this article for more info about PORTL.)

Here are some of my snapshots from the weekend. Make sure you scroll down to the very end — the last set of photos is probably my favorite!

Horse clicker training clinic - The barn

Cindy's dogs

Horse clicker training - Garrow walking at liberty

Horse clicker training - Garrow walking forward

Horse clicker training - Garrow trotting

Horse clicker training - Garrow standing on a mat

Horse clicker training - Garrow lifts his leg on cue

Horse clicker training - Garrow gives a kiss

Garrow looks over the fence

Horse clicker training - Standing at attention during grown ups are talking

Horse clicker training - Walking forward together

Horse clicker training - Walking one step foward during ground work

Horse clicker training - Walking together

Horse clicker training - Stand on a mat

Horse clicker training - Walking forward together

Horse clicker training - Standing on a mat

Horse clicker training - Walking together

Horse clicker training - human horses simulation

Horse clicker training - Practicing targeting using human horses

Horse clicker training - Practicing rope handling using human horses

Horse clicker training - Practicing rein mechanics

Clicker training horses - Marinero plays with a hula hoop

Horse clicker training - Marinero and the hula hoop

Horse clicker training - Marinero and Alexandra Kurland

Horse clicker training - Marinero and Alexandra Kurland

Horse clicker training - Marinero lowers his head for a treat

Horse clicker training - Marinero walking with Alexandra Kurland

Horse clicker training - Staas walking forward

Horse clicker training - Staas' favorite trick is fetch!

Horse clicker training - Staas preparing to walk forward

Horse clicker training - Staas looking out toward the field

Horse clicker training - Collage of photos of Staas playing fetch

I hope you enjoyed these photos!

I will be posting notes from the clinic on my blog over the next few weeks, so please check back. When the notes are posted, you’ll be able to find them on my Conference and Clinics Notes page.

If you’re new to clicker training and intrigued by these photos, I encourage you to check out my article What is Clicker Training?

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