Tag Archives | shots

Friday Fun: Awesome Equine Clicker Training

Friday Fun: Awesome Equine Clicker Training

As I wrote about recently, the World Equine Clicker Games are fast approaching! I hear SO many people say that horses can’t be clicker trained, or that clicker training is only good for tricks. Well, clicker training is great for tricks, but it’s great for lots of other types of horse training as well. Here […]

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Clicker Training Goes to the Zoo

Clicker Training Goes to the Zoo

As many of you know, I’m part of ORCA (the Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals) at UNT. Much of what ORCA does is research, training and community service. However, one of our other missions is to educate the public about positive training. We do this at our big annual animal training conference and by […]

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Clicker Training for Veterinary Procedures

We’ve been talking a lot on facebook about using clicker training to teach your horse (or any other animal) to willingly participate in veterinary care. Many vet procedures, such as shots, wound care and even general examinations can be pretty frightening for a horse. Often the horse is not familiar with the vet and there […]

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Sebastian Gets a Shot

Sebastian is a young red roan gelding who I’ve just started working with a bit. He’s pretty shy still and can be unconfident around people. He’s curious, but he’s not too sure about being caught or being touched and groomed. Last weekend, he needed a shot and I got to be the one to give […]

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