I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas…

Dallas got quite a bit of snow yesterday! (Well, our house got over an inch, which is a lot for Dallas.) The snow stuck around until today and Ginger has really enjoyed playing it in. Check out the photos below!

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Below are each of the individual images that make up the big one. Ginger has a silly little routine when she goes outside–she starts on the doorstep, scanning the yard looking for prey. Then, she slowly, surely creeps out the door for the first few steps. Then, BAM! She’s off like a rocket and goes running across the yard, leaping like a deer. When she wants, she can get quite a bit of air! She rounds the large oak tree, jumping across the roots. She’ll then run a few loops around the yard sniffing for squirrels and other animals. Quite a silly dog, but she loves being outside. Since she’s mostly an inside dog and doesn’t have a thick coat, when it gets this cold she doesn’t like to spend too long out. Snow, however, is pretty fun to play in!

I hope you, your family and all of your animals are having a very happy holiday!


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