Dog Training RSS feed for this section

Dogs, dogs, dogs! In this section, you’ll find lots of great dog training stories and tips from my adventures training my own dogs, my foster dogs, and the dogs of my clients.

Service dog and halloween masks

Logan goes to Party City

Logan is a service dog in training. Visit his page for more information and to read all of my blog posts about him. Logan is getting good at going places. His focus and leash walking skills have improved tremendously, and he does well with many types of low-level and medium-level distractions. When I first started […]

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Logan the service dog in training practices a down stay while we look at birthday cards

Logan goes to lunch

Logan is a service dog in training. Visit his page for more information and to read all of my blog posts about him. In July, Logan and I spent lots of time reviewing behaviors that need to be really solid in order for him to be able to work in public. This included leash walking, […]

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Logan the yellow lab service dog

Elevators and stairs, oh my!

Logan is a service dog in training. Visit his page for more information and to read all of my blog posts about him. Logan and I have been going lots of places and practicing lots of skills recently. Last week, he came with me to my office at the university several times. We also visited […]

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Yum! A bully stick.

Logan goes to school

Logan is a service dog in training. Visit his page for more information and to read all of my blog posts about him. Logan and I have been doing lots of training in the house, in the backyard, and even walking up and down the street I live on. But this weekend we took a […]

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