Meet Logan the service dog in training

Service dog Logan gives me a kissLogan is a service dog in training who stayed with me for two months in 2016 to work on his training. He’s a yellow Labrador retriever who is just a little over a year old, and he’s a happy, friendly pup who just adores people.

Logan belongs to a group called Patriot Paws. Patriot Paws is a non-profit organization located near Dallas, Texas that trains service dogs for veterans. The dogs are trained to help veterans who have disabilities and PTSD.

Patriot Paws is partnering with ORCA, a student organization at the University of North Texas and a graduate research group within UNT’s behavior analysis department. The ORCA students will be helping raise and train service dogs for Patriot Paws. I was involved in ORCA while I was working on my master’s degree and have stayed involved, now that I teach some classes at UNT as an adjunct professor. Logan is ORCA’s first service dog in training, and we hope the first of many!

Logan the service dogLogan has had quite a bit of training already. However, in order to be a great service dog, he still needs even more training. While Logan does great listening to cues at home or in a very calm environment, he often gets distracted and unfocused in a busy setting, especially if there are lots of people around or if there are other dogs nearby. We are helping Logan learn to be calm, relaxed, and 100% focused, no matter where he is.

I hope you’ll bookmark this page and follow our training adventures!

Blog posts about Logan, the service dog in training

July 1: Introducing Logan

July 6: Can I have your attention?

July 20: Logan goes to school

August 9: Elevators and stairs, oh my!

August 17: Logan goes to lunch

August 24: Logan goes to Party City

September 7: Handsome Logan

Nov 22: Logan’s graduation

For more updates, follow Logan and me on our Instagram page.

Logan the Labrador retriever dog running in the grass