Tag Archives | Boomer

dottie looking over fence

Working on Building Trust with Dottie

Dottie is a two year old filly we have at the rescue. She had no previous handling before coming to the rescue and was very skeptical about people for a long time. We started working with her this summer and got her friendlier toward people, as well as teaching her some of the basics like […]

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Boomer Gets a New Home!

Boomer, one of our young paint horse geldings, got adopted this weekend! Boomer had been at the rescue for a little over a year. When he arrived in 2009, he was very skeptical of people and completely untouchable. Because the rescue had so many horses last winter, he did not get very much handling until […]

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2 muddy paint horses

Boomer and Apollo pick up their feet

It’s really starting to cool off here–it’s actually fun to be outside in the afternoon with the horses! The ponies and I had a great weekend. Boomer and Apollo (the two paint horses in the picture to the left) are doing AWESOME learning how to pick up their front feet for handling and cleaning. I […]

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