Tag Archives | steering

cricket right side

Cricket’s Ground Driving Progress

Cricket and I spent quite a bit of time working on ground driving last week. We had a session nearly every day and he made some great progress! Cricket is three. And, while I’ve sat on him a few times, he really doesn’t know a whole lot about being ridden. With our young horses, I […]

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Connor, a good looking palomino gelding

Connor Goes for a Second Ride

I rode Connor, our good looking palomino, for a second time over the weekend. He did really nicely, a lot better than last Thursday. Several of you have asked for more details about what I’ve been doing with him. I have two longer posts I’m working on, one about some of the specific exercises I’ve […]

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Cone Star Pattern for Riding

Riding on a Star

As I mentioned briefly in Friday’s post, Tex and I have been playing around with riding on a star. Well, we’ve been using cones tied to the round pen to ride a star pattern. He did absolutely wonderful with this last Thursday, so I need to come up with some ideas to make this even […]

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Riding the pony Tex

Tex Moves Forward

Tex is moving forward under saddle. At least, that’s the goal! Recently, I posted a bit of video footage from Tex’s second ride. He’s had about half a dozen rides now, most about 10-15 minutes long. We’ve been playing around with stop and go, as well as steering. I want Tex to be really confident […]

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