Tag Archives | trick training

Wordless Wednesday: New Tricks

What new trick is Flower learning this week using clicker training? Hint: It might have something to do with this month’s “Put Your Toys Away!” training challenge on the clicker training Facebook group. Stay tuned for more updates and a video. For some of Flower’s previous tricks, check out this video of her Inside Out […]

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Henry and his new toy

Henry’s new trick: Shake (video)

My little foster dog has learned a new trick — to shake someone’s hand! Although we’ve been working a lot on basic obedience skills and helping him learn to be more friendly around new people, this is his first real trick behavior. Although, it’s so important to remember, that from the animal’s perspective, it’s really […]

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wet lilli dog in the car

Lilli shows off her latest tricks

Do you remember Michelle and Lilli? Michelle and Lilli are currently participating in the 2012 Extreme Mutt Makeover. Lilli’s been learning lots of fun behaviors and tricks, thanks to clicker training. Michelle recently published a cute YouTube video that shows many of the tricks that Lilli has learned so far, including giving high fives, jumping […]

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Winners of the World Equine Clicker Games

Winners of the World Equine Clicker Games

You might remember when I blogged earlier in the month about the World Equine Clicker Games. I even shared a few entries that I particularly liked. Well, the Equine Clicker Conference was held about a week ago in England. From what I hear, it was a great success! Conference attendees got to view the top […]

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