Chardonnay and Gingersnap Go Home

We’ve recently had two more happy adoptions at the rescue! Chardonnay is the big paint mare who I’ve written about several times on the blog. We had recently been having a lot of fun playing with her with the noodle tree on our horse obstacle course. We delivered her recently to her new home in Hico, Texas. She has another gorgeous paint mare to keep her company and a new mom who is going to spoil her rotten! The picture below is of Chardonnay and her new buddy, Sioux.

The family who adopted Tilde earlier in the summer had been eyeing Gingersnap all summer. They finally decided that they couldn’t let this sweet girl get away from them and they said, yes, they’d adopt her too! So, Tilde and Gingersnap are keeping each other company again. Gingersnap is the filly we got from the sheriff at the beginning of the year who was just skin and bones. Physically and emotionally she has turned into a completely different horse and is now such a sweetheart. We know her new family is going to love her too!

This is the fun part of rescue work, getting to see our efforts of rehab and training pay off when our horses find awesome new homes. We have about eight other horses currently available for adoption, so we’re hoping we’ll have some more happy endings this summer and fall!

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