Are Riding Helmets Necessary? Pt. 2

Okay, one more soapbox post about helmets, then I promise that we’ll get back to talking about training. I posted at the end of July about my opinion of riding helmets. I shared an article, including this quote:

“If you think you don’t need a helmet then you should look your son, daughter, spouse, or friend in the eye and tell them: I don’t need a helmet, but if I am wrong it will be your job to care for me.”

Now, here’s a very powerful video that Kate, of A Year with Horses, posted on her blog recently. I think that everyone who rides horses or who has friends or family who ride horses should watch this video.

In the video, Courtney King Dye, a USDF Gold Medalist dressage rider and horse trainer discusses riding helmets. As she says in the video, safety has nothing to do with skill level.

Courtney was in a riding accident in 2010. Purely an accident. The show horse she was riding tripped and fell. She had been in a hurry that day and was not wearing a helmet. I urge you to watch the video and hear Courtney tell the rest of the her story.

On Youtube: Courtney King Dye discusses her riding accident and helmet use.
Embedding is disabled for this video, so you’ll have to click on the link and hop over to youtube to watch it. Come back after you watch it and let me know your reaction to the video.

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