I’m a full member!

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I recently received notice that I am now a full member of ABAI, the Association for Behavior Analysis International. If you’re not familiar with ABAI, it is a professional organization for behavior analysts. ABAI’s mission is to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.

And if you’re not familiar with the field of behavior analysis, I highly encourage you to check out my article, “What is applied behavior analysis?” Behavior analysis is a branch of psychology that studies observable behavior. Behavior analysts are concerned with how people (and animals) learn and how environmental consequences, such as rewards and punishment, influence and change behavior.

I’ve been a student member of ABAI since 2010, but after I graduated last August with my master’s degree, I had to apply for full membership status. Full members must hold a master’s degree in behavior analysis, psychology, or a related field and demonstrate competence in either the experimental or applied analysis of behavior.

I’ve blogged about ABAI in the past, such as when I’ve attended the ABAI annual convention the past several years. I’ll be attending the annual convention again this year, when it takes place in May in Chicago. I’m excited about this year’s convention. I’ll get to connect with lots of friends and there should be lots of good presentations and discussions. In addition, I’ll be presenting my thesis research and, as well, helping lead a six hour workshop about shaping. This will be the third year that Dr. Jesus Rosales-Ruiz, myself, and a few other friends have done this workshop and it’s always a lot of fun.

I’m excited that I’m now a full member of ABAI and I’m looking forward to blogging more about behavior and behavior analysis in the future!

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