I have a pup named Henry who is staying with me this week. I’ll be fostering Henry and working with him to help him learn lots of good behaviors. Henry is a cute little Chihuahua mix that belongs to one of our local rescue groups, DFW Pup Patrol. I met him because he spent some time boarding at Pappy’s Pet Lodge, where I work as a dog trainer.
Henry is overall a very sweet little guy. However, he’s sometimes cautious in new situations and he’s definitely unsure about things when he’s meeting someone new. He’ll bark and growl at things (or people) when he starts getting concerned. So, in addition to basic obedience skills, Henry and I will be working to help him conquer some of his fears. If Henry is more comfortable around new people and in new situations, this will help him be more relaxed, improve his overall quality of life, and improve his chances of getting adopted.
Henry spent last night and the night before with me. He was very unsure about everything the first night (including the little Chihuahua mix dog that lives in my living room on the other side of the mirror!). He is also very, very curious about the rats, perhaps a little too curious. He’s starting to settle in, though, and seems pretty happy hanging out with me. He loves playing with toys, and we’ve already started to have some fun with training. I think he’s going to be a fun dog to have around for awhile and I think that he’s going to be a little smartie when it comes to training.
Today was a boring day to be a dog. The temperature stayed in the teens and 20s for most of the day and we even got some snow last night and this morning, both of which are pretty unusual for north Texas. I worked some from home today, since the road conditions weren’t great.
Henry’s quite content right now, he’s fast asleep on the couch, but it was a bit of a challenge to keep him entertained today, especially since he is still adjusting to staying with me. But, we were able to fit in some fun activities today, despite the cold. Henry got half of a bully stick to munch on this morning, while I was out running some errands. Then, we did squeeze in a nice walk mid-afternoon, when the temperatures were at their highest. On our walk, we found lots of nice things to sniff! And this afternoon, while I cleaned out the rat cage, Henry got a new toy to chew on and to chase around the living room. It even squeaks, which means it is quite exciting. We also had some short training sessions scatter through out the day.
Stay tuned, I’ll post more about Henry and his training soon!