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What’s new around here at Stale Cheerios. News about my life, what’s new with the Stale Cheerios blog, and occasionally the odd post that doesn’t fit into another category.


Bye-bye Google Reader

Do you use Google Reader to read blog RSS feeds? If so, listen up! If not, you can skip this post. As you might have heard, Google Reader is closing it’s doors on July 1st. That means that you’ll no longer be able to use Google Reader to read new posts from or from […]

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StaleCheerios: The best of 2012

StaleCheerios: The best of 2012

I’ve been going through my blog this past week and picking out my favorite blog posts from the past year. 2012 was quite a year! I acquired several new rats, did plenty of training with my rats and with the rescue horses, and completed another year of my behavior analysis master’s program at the University […]

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Back to School (Hooray!)

Last week was my first week back to school for the spring semester. As some of you know, I’m currently working on a master’s in behavior analysis at the University of North Texas. If you don’t know much about behavior analysis, I’d encourage you to check out the post that I wrote last year about […]

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Stale Cheerios: What happened in 2011?

Stale Cheerios: What happened in 2011?

Wow! I can’t believe that 2011 is already over. What a busy year. I finished my first year of graduate school and started my second, spent another great summer living at the horse rescue, and had lots of fun training all my animals. As I’ve done the past two years, I’ve gone through and collected […]

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