Other Species RSS feed for this section

Did you know that ALL animals can be trained? In this section, you’ll find stories and articles about training birds, goldfish, cats, dolphins, zoo animals, and more. We can learn a lot by training other species and by studying trainers who work with animals that we are not very familiar with.

trixie cat activity board - screenshot

Enrichment toys for cats

In recently years, there’s been a huge increase in interactive toys and food puzzle toys for dogs. While there are some of these types of toys for cats, I think there is a lot larger selection of fun interactive dog toys. This is unfortunate, as many cats are quite active and playful and would enjoy […]

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Cute koalas and other zoo news

I had a very fun Wednesday this week! I got to present the research study that I did for my Master’s thesis at the Dallas Zoo, as part of a lunch lecture series that the zoo organizes for employees. It was fun getting to share my research and we got into some good discussions about […]

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Clicker training in the news!

Many of you who read my blog have probably heard of ORCA (The Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals). ORCA is a graduate student organization in the department of behavior analysis at the University of North Texas. It conducts projects and research on animal behavior and training and also organizes and hosts the yearly Art […]

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