I think my rat Amy is 100% cute!
In the video below she’s having lots of fun just being a rat. My rats have amazing balance and are SO agile, they always amaze me as they jump and climb around (and out of!) their cage.
In the photo to the right, Amy and her buddy Georgie are exhausted after spending the morning running around their play area. It’s a hard life when you’re a rat!
Watch on YouTube: Amy eats a carrot
I’ve had a busy summer with summer school classes and helping out at the horse rescue, so I haven’t had much time for rat training. However, Amy and I recently have started doing some clicker training again! We’re having lots of fun and I hope to post some of our training progress on the blog in the coming weeks and months.
I’ve also been working on a summary page that gives an introduction and overview about my pet rats. I sadly still meet lots of people who go “eww” or “yuck” when I tell them I have pet rats. I think pet rats are cuddly and cute, super smart and super fun to have around. Please check out my new page about pet rats and rat clicker training.