Rat (and Mouse) Training RSS feed for this section

In this section you’ll find lots of posts about my wonderful pet rats. Rats make great pets — they are cute and cuddly, but also super smart. Mine are always up to some sort of mischief and I love watching their antics. I use clicker training when training my rats. If you’re not familiar with clicker training, please check out my article What is clicker training?


Rat Mansion Expansion

The rats got a bit of remodeling recently. Georgie and Lucy have been living for the past month in Blaze’s 30 gallon aquarium. The tank was plenty of room for goldfish training. However, it’s a bit cramped quarter for two young rats who seem to enjoy quite a bit of rough housing and racing about. […]

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baby rats

I smell a rat…

I’ve been busy busy busy the past several weeks. This semester I officially started the Master’s program in behavior analysis at the University of North Texas. Classes are great so far, but I’m having to get back in the swing of going to classes and getting all of my work and reading done. I hope […]

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