Tag Archives | adoptions


Happy Anniversary

Last weekend marked the one year anniversary of when I adopted my three SPCA rats. The girls (Amy, Chloe, and Izzy) got a small dish of chocolate cake on Monday to celebrate and I was able to capture some fun photos of them chowing down. Rats love sweets and they were quite happy to get […]

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Does your pet have a pal?

Does your pet have a pal?

As you might know from reading my blog, I share my apartment with four pet rats and three pet mice. Rats and mice make great pets, as they are fairly low maintenance when compared to a dog or a cat. However, they are still very intelligent, fully of energy, and lots of fun to have […]

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ella cricket and mary

Ella finds a home and a new best friend

I am nearly done editing my notes from the clinic I audited with Alexandra Kurland two weeks ago. It’s taken awhile because there was lots of good information I wanted to include! I plan to publish the first post of notes tomorrow (Tuesday) and the second and third parts later in the week. So stay […]

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Should you adopt? Ask a whale!

Here’s an awesome video clip from Vimeo. Everyday, there are thousands of homeless pets who need homes. Should you adopt a dog from shelter? How about asking a beluga whale? Check out the video–even this whale thinks pet adoption is the right choice! Even a Whale Thinks Pet Adoption is the Right Choice! from The […]

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3 friends

A Sunny Weekend

April is here, and with it, plenty of sunshine and bluebonnets in Texas! I’ll have to get some pictures for the blog, the bluebonnets are in full bloom here, as well as some of the other early wildflowers. I had a fun time yesterday playing in the sun with the horses. March was a whirlwind […]

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