Tag Archives | cats

saddlebred horse nuzzles a black and white cat

How to make a cat unhappy…

Boo, the rescue’s friendly black and white cat, is not at all fond of the horses. He’s been even less enthusiastic about them this year, ever since Dillon stepped on his tail last spring. He’s an independent cat and doesn’t really like to be held, either. So, he was pretty grumpy with me when I […]

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This is our tuxedo barn cat boo sitting in one of the horse's feet bowls

Does Clicker Training Work with Cats?

Does clicker training work with cats? Of course it does! I often hear people say that clicker training works with dogs (or a different species) but they are still skeptical about it working with certain other species (such as cats or horses). Cats, of course, have a bit of a reputation for being independent and […]

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Amazing animals from the WEIT blog

I really like Jerry Coyne’s blog. (Coyne’s a University of Chicago professor, who I actually had for a bio class. He’s recently started a blog to promote his new book Why Evolution Is True.). Over the past few days, he’s posted some links of some really awesome animals, you should check them out. Sheepdogs and […]

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