Tag Archives | reinforcers

Training for performance

Please visit my conference and seminar notes page for more notes from this seminar. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I audited a seminar in Dallas earlier this summer with Michele Pouliot. Michele is a very talented dog trainer who has won international competitions in the sport of canine freestyle. She has also worked for […]

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Fading out those clicks and treats

Fading out those clicks and treats

We’ve been having a good discussion recently on one of the clicker training facebook groups about how to reduce or fade out the clicks and treats when clicker training. When people start clicker training (What is clicker training?), many are afraid that they are doomed to always carry around a clicker and a bag of […]

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Slow and Right beats Fast and Wrong

Here’s a video I found recently that I really like. The video is of a gal named Lindsey and her mustang Breezy. The horse is a mustang yearling who was captured in Nevada. The video is titled “first 90 days of horse training.” Usually, when I find videos titled “the first x days of training,” […]

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Give Me a Break!

These are my notes from the 2012 Art and Science of Animal Training Conference. Click here for more notes from this conference. Training can be a lot of fun. However, it can also be physically and mentally challenging for both the animal and the human. Although breaks are needed, they can really disrupt a training […]

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This is our tuxedo barn cat boo sitting in one of the horse's feet bowls

Does Clicker Training Work with Cats?

Does clicker training work with cats? Of course it does! I often hear people say that clicker training works with dogs (or a different species) but they are still skeptical about it working with certain other species (such as cats or horses). Cats, of course, have a bit of a reputation for being independent and […]

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