Tag Archives | videos

Friday Fun: Amazing animal helpers

Here’s a cool video that’s been making the rounds on some of the training lists. It’s a 13 minute clip that was produced recently by an Australian television station. The clip focuses on the ways that people’s lives are being changed by animals. As the tag line says “From those paralysed by tragedy to those […]

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Does your pet have a pal?

Does your pet have a pal?

As you might know from reading my blog, I share my apartment with four pet rats and three pet mice. Rats and mice make great pets, as they are fairly low maintenance when compared to a dog or a cat. However, they are still very intelligent, fully of energy, and lots of fun to have […]

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Clicker Training Goes to the Zoo

Clicker Training Goes to the Zoo

As many of you know, I’m part of ORCA (the Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals) at UNT. Much of what ORCA does is research, training and community service. However, one of our other missions is to educate the public about positive training. We do this at our big annual animal training conference and by […]

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More Fun with Mouse Training

More Fun with Mouse Training

My mice have names now! The little black and white one is Dickens, the one who is almost entirely white is Jack, and the scruffy, long-haired, gray and white mouse is Oscar. A big thanks to everyone who suggested names on facebook, by e-mail, and in person. Also, I’ve been looking into getting the mice […]

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