Great New Year’s Clicker Training Coupon!

The Karen Pryor Clicker Store has some great coupons and deals for the New Year. Currently, they have two coupons listed on the home page of the store. You can get $5 off any purchase of $25 or more or you can get $10 off any purchase when you spend $50 or more. I love the Karen Pryor Clicker Training Store. The store sells books, DVDs, and training equipment for clicker training dogs, cats, horses, birds, rabbits, and other animals. They also have a good selection of dog toys, leashes, and other equipment.

Want a few suggestions?   🙂

Learning Games: by Kay Laurence. I love this book. Kay Laurence is one of my favorite dog trainers. This book has a ton of great ideas for behaviors to train, from the very simple to the extremely complex. The book is written with dogs in mind. However, I’ve also used this book to come up with ideas for behaviors to train to other species. There are many shaping exercises in the book that will really improve your training skills!

Reaching the Animal Mind: This is Karen Pryor’s newest book, published in 2010. The book includes stories and information about how our knowledge of animal training continues to grow and evolve. One reason why I like this book is that it includes a lot about recent science and research related to animal training, including some of the studies that have been done by my advisor, Jesus Rosales Ruiz, and his students at the University of North Texas.

Horse Books and DVDs: The clicker training store has a great collection of books and DVDs related to clicker training horses, including all of Alexandra Kurland’s books and DVDs.

Many of their best sellers are also currently on sale. As well, there are some special year end sales products that are still available at a discounted price.

So, be sure to check out the clicker training store, either by clicking on this LINK or by clicking on the banner image above. I am not sure how long the coupons will be good, but I’ve e-mailed the store to ask. I will let you know what I find out!

Also, if you purchase something, I’d LOVE to hear what you buy as well as your review, once you get a chance to read, view or use the product. I’m always looking for suggestions for new books, DVDs, and products to try.

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