4th Art and Science of Animal Training Conference

The 4th Annual Art and Science of Animal Training Conference is this weekend! And what’s even better is that even if you can’t come this year, you can still follow some of the highlights of the conference on twitter! This is something brand new that ORCA is doing this year to help share the conference with those who can’t make it to North Texas for the weekend. You can read all about how to follow the conference via twitter on this page on ORCA’s website.

Some of you know that I am involved with ORCA (the Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals), which is a group at the University of North Texas that does projects and research related to animal training. This is our yearly conference and is definitely an awesome conference–ORCA brings in the top animal trainers from all over the world, including Bob Bailey, Alexandra Kurland, Kay Laurence, Ken Ramirez, Phung Luu, and Steve White. I’m especially excited about this year’s keynote speaker, behavior analyst Joe Layng. His talk is titled “How we talk about and teach what we do.”

We’ve been working hard all year to plan this conference, so it is very exciting that it is finally here. Also, I’m excited because we should have quite a group of horse clicker trainers at this year’s conference. If you’re coming to the conference, please come find me and say “hi.” If you can’t come, I hope you’ll follow us on twitter. I’ll also be posting some of my thoughts and notes after the conference, in the next week or two.

If you’re interested in learning more about these conferences, I have notes from the 1st and 2nd conference in the clicker training clinics and conferences section of my site.

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