One of the best things about working with rescue horses is getting to see the tremendous progress the horses make, sometimes only in a matter of months. One of the horses I am working with this summer is Gingersnap. Gingersnap is a three year old filly that came to the rescue at the end of December. Gingersnap had been starved and abused. When she came to the rescue, she was covered with cuts, scrapes, and abrasions and had a large wound on her face with exposed bone. Over the past months, she has healed both physically and emotionally. Now, you would hardly recognize her!!! Below are two photos, one taken in December and another taken earlier this month.
Gingersnap spent the spring at Ferris High School. Their agriculture science program fostered seven of our horses this spring. Before starting the program, Gingersnap was very shy and very skeptical of people. She did not want to interact with people and did not want to be touched or petted.
Now, she is a TOTAL sweetheart. The kids in the equine program (and one gal in particular who was assigned to Gingersnap) did an absolutely excellent job working with her. Gingersnap meets us at the gate and nickers to us, she follows us around the pasture, and she loves being petted and groomed. During the equine program she also learned how to pick up her feet and wear a saddle.
We plan to start riding Gingersnap this summer. I have sat on her twice bareback in our round pen and she did excellent both times. The second time she was completely calm and relaxed. She should be fun to work with this summer and is going to make someone an excellent little riding horse! I will keep you updated as her training continues. (By the way–Gingersnap is currently available for adoption in North Texas. You can find more information about her on the rescue’s website.)