Wordless Wednesday: Giraffe Training

Okay, as usual, this is going to an an almost Wordless Wednesday post!

I’ve been chatting some with Linda, who works at Zooworld in Panama City Beach, Florida. In the picture above she is working on target training (using clicker training) with one of the zoo’s young giraffes. I’ve written before about why training is so important for zoos. Also, just like with any other animal, it’s important for zoos to start working with their animals at a young age.

Linda and the other staff at Zooworld will use positive training techniques to teach this cute fellow a variety of behaviors that will make it both easier and safer for them to interact with him and care for him. For example, they plan to teach him to allow his hooves to be handled for trimming and to cooperate during medical check-ups.

Also, you can see that Linda is using protected contact to work with this fellow, which is a safe choice when working with a young animal that is new to training, especially one that is already bigger than you!

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