Tag Archives | reinforcement


Bizarre behavior makes sense!

Sometimes, our animals engage in behaviors that just seem really odd. You may find yourself shaking your head and thinking, “Why would my dog (or horse or parrot or other pet) ever do that??” (Alternatively, you may find yourself thinking the same thing when you are looking at a behavior that your co-worker, spouse, child, […]

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A few thoughts about schedules of reinforcement

I got an email reminder yesterday about this weekend’s Equiosity webinar. This reminded me that I still hadn’t posted my thoughts from the March webinar!  For the March webinar, Alexandra Kurland and Dominique Day invited Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz to join them for a discussion about schedules of reinforcement. This can often be a rather dry topic, […]

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Your opinion doesn’t count

I wrote last week that I recently purchased a copy of the updated, revised version of Sue Ailsby’s Training Levels book. Ginger dog and I are planning to work through some of the exercises in the book this summer. I’ve been reading through the first section of the book, which explains some basic (and important) […]

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