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Do you know what you just did?

As I’ve mentioned previously, I teach an undergraduate behavior analysis class during the fall and spring semesters. As part of the class, my students do an extended project that involves teaching a series of behaviors to a pet. The majority of my students have zero animal training experience before taking the class. All of the […]

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baby rats

I smell a rat…

I’ve been busy busy busy the past several weeks. This semester I officially started the Master’s program in behavior analysis at the University of North Texas. Classes are great so far, but I’m having to get back in the swing of going to classes and getting all of my work and reading done. I hope […]

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ORCA Great Minds Conference–my thoughts, notes and review

Yesterday I attended the ORCA Great Minds Conference, which was absolutely wonderful. ORCA, one of the organizations run by the behavior analysis department at the Univerisity of North Texas sponsorered the conference. The event focused on “The Art and Science of Animal Training: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going?” The Great Minds conference brought […]

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