Tag Archives | training


Rat Mansion Expansion

The rats got a bit of remodeling recently. Georgie and Lucy have been living for the past month in Blaze’s 30 gallon aquarium. The tank was plenty of room for goldfish training. However, it’s a bit cramped quarter for two young rats who seem to enjoy quite a bit of rough housing and racing about. […]

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Equine Artists

I love positive training methods and clicker training because it opens up a whole range of new behaviors we can teach our animals that could never be possible with traditional methods. I’ve recently found a new blog that I love. Cheryl, the woman who owns the website, has taught all four of her horses to […]

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ORCA: Part 5. Steve White

These are my notes from the ORCA Great Minds conference at UNT in March 2009. The Great Minds conference brought half a dozen top trainers together to talk about animal training, clicker training, operant conditioning and the future of training. This is the fifth post of my thoughts and notes and the second page about […]

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ORCA Great Minds Conference–my thoughts, notes and review

Yesterday I attended the ORCA Great Minds Conference, which was absolutely wonderful. ORCA, one of the organizations run by the behavior analysis department at the Univerisity of North Texas sponsorered the conference. The event focused on “The Art and Science of Animal Training: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going?” The Great Minds conference brought […]

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