Tag Archives | horses

jan12 ring around the rosie

February Carnival of the Horses

Welcome! This month, staleCheerios is hosting the February edition of the Carnival of the Horses, a blog carnival devoted to all things related to horses. Check out the submissions below, I think you’ll enjoy them! Kerry Kelly presents Martial Arts Pony posted at Hoofbeats. Ishtar presents Equine Expansion! posted at Esther Garvi. Sue Steiner presents […]

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Clicker Carnival #2

Welcome to the second Clicker Carnival, a blog carnival especially for clicker trainers and positive animal trainers. I hope October was a wonderful month of training for you and your animals. We had 20 days of rain, so the horses got plenty of practice of walking through puddles this month! This month’s edition of the […]

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The Clicker Carnival #1

Welcome to first edition the clicker carnival, a new blog carnival especially for clicker trainers and positive animal trainers. I recently heard someone ask if horse (clicker) trainers could learn anything from dog (clicker) trainers. The answer, of course, is a resounding Yes! Even when the species is different, the principles of reinforcement, shaping and […]

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Strange and Wonderful Equine Hybrids

Strange and Wonderful Equine Hybrids

Many equine species are able to breed with each other. Although the offspring are usually not fertile, some of them can be quite interesting too see! Most people know that a mule is the cross between a horse and a donkey. (The above mule is a little fellow named Scooby. We used him for riding […]

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First Signs of Spring

Horse hair! Lots and lots of horse hair! It’s definitely Spring in Texas. We had some nasty rain last week, but it’s in the 70s and 80s this week and I think the warm weather is here to stay. Birds singing, flowers blooming, trees budding and horses shedding! We gave two of the rescue horses, […]

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