These are my notes from the 2012 Art and Science of Animal Training Conference. Click here for more notes from this conference. Try “simple” dog training! Whether training dogs, horses, birds, or other species, many trainers seem to be in a hurry to get to advanced training. This post is some of my notes from […]
Teaching People RSS feed for this section
Training animals is the easy part and teaching people is the hard part! In this section, you’ll find articles and advice that will help you improve your own training skills and that will help you if you teach other people how to train animals.

Ethical Decision Making: Right vs. Right
I mentioned in my back to school post a couple of weeks ago that I am taking an ethics class this semester. This class is one of the required classes for my behavior analysis master’s program. The class has been pretty interesting so far and each class has been filled with plenty of good discussions and […]
10 tips to improve your clicker training
Clicker training is GREAT for dogs, cats, and horses. (And even lobsters and goldfish!) With clicker training, animals learn fast and are generally more interested and engaged in the training process. However, like anything else, clicker training is a skill. Being skilled at clicker training takes time and practice. Here are 10 tips that will […]

Ken Ramirez: Animal Trainers Need People Skills Too!
Ken Ramirez, the head trainer from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, spoke about the skills necessary to be a good animal training consultant at the Art and Science of Animal Training Conference. His talk, titled Wanted: Animal Trainer Consultant, those good with animals need not apply, emphasized how a good consultant or instructor MUST have […]
Kay Laurence: Assessing Your Animal Training Skills
Are you good at training animals? Are you great at shaping, but not so good at putting behavior under stimulus control? You know you’re a better trainer than your next door neighbor, but you’re nowhere near the level of the expert trainer who runs your agility class…. Good, better, worse, best, intermediate, beginner, expert. The […]